So, its the beginning of a new year, you can tell by the lack of treadmils at the gym. I hate new years resolutions because I feel like it is an excuse people use to say they are making all these goals that they are never going to accomplish. I also really don't understand why they have to wait for a new year. There is always a time to make goals and become better. Negative? Maybe, but until then I just wait for first couple week of January to be over and the resolutions wear off so the gym goes back to normal. Negative or not, I did however, decide on a couple resolutions myself. These have nothing to do with the regular lose a few pounds, wash my car weekly, you know the regular stuff, but I have decided to take things to the next level. Take this however you would like, but in all honesty there are a lot of things I would like to take to the next level like the type of guys I date, my own business, my opportunities to travel, those are just to name the few. So as much I hate all those new years resolutions and the lack of follow through, I am willing to work hard and move forward with what I feel my future has in store for me. Here we go! This is the begining of my next level!